Did you know that there are permissions to be obtained before developing a land? We will have a brief look at planning permissions which is a mandatory requirement for all sites and buildings.

  1. What is Planning Permission?
    Planning Permission is permission that you need from the Directorate of town and country planning before you start any project on your land.
  1. Is the Planning Permission the same as building license issued by the Local Body?
    No.  The Town and Country Planning Department issues the planning permission and is different from a building license.
  1. How do I obtain Planning Permission?
    You can get a planning permission by applying to the concerned local Planning Authority, Municipal Corporation, Town Panchayat, or Village Panchayat depending on the location of the land.
  1. What is the validity of Planning Permission?
    The Planning Permission is valid for 5 years and can be renewed for a period of 2 years, before one month of the expiry of the first permission.

  2. What are the activities requiring planning permission?
    Construction for residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional projects require planning permission. The building can be an ordinary building, special building, Group Development, or a Multi-story building.

  3. What is the time limit for the approval of Planning Permission?
    Planning permission is issued within a maximum of 45 days if all documents are in order.

Want more information about Planning permissions? Get in touch with us and our experts will guide you all the way.

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